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Copyright and the Fall Line: Banned in Philadelphia

Beverly Hills, CA

David Nimmer will be presenting "Copyright and the Fall Line:  Banned in Philadelphia," at the Los Angeles Copyright Society's September 12, 2012 meeting. 

Last spring, David Nimmer was invited to give the keynote speech to the a symposium at Penn Law School, addressing potential copyright protection for fashion designs.  Before he even arrived, a prominent designer sent a cease and desist letter to the Dean of the Law School, which provoked an acid response.  Meanwhile, David used the occasion to put together  a comprehensive retrospective about how Title 17 of the United States Code has progressed over the past decades, such that it becomes even cognizable to amend it yet again for the purpose of embracing fashion designs.  In the process, he devoted not a little attention to ways that cease and desist letters get sent, bills get passed into law, and copyright law progresses (and sometimes regresses) in this country.  He has agreed to bring those ruminations across the country, and to present them to the September 12 meeting of the Los Angeles Copyright Society.

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